Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Another learning curve, I found you can snap off the spear
where the woody part ends and tender part begins. Mmmm
We used to call it that as a joke but I heard someone call it Asparagrass and they seemed serious.
Anyway, we got out first harvest this spring. It was yum. Not a huge harvest but I think we're on our way. Probably won't ever be enough to can unless I grow more. That's in the works but I'm not sure where I'll put them...maybe in the old strawberry bed. :)

If you read my previous posts, you know I started more Asparagus from seeds that I harvested from my original planting. I repotted them into some giant pots that trees were probably originally potted in, and they're doing good so far.

I'm new at growing asparagus because I didn't used to love it. Now I do love it as long as it's tender.
The more I think about it, the ol' strawberry bed might not be a bad idea!

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